New Year, Brave You!

Posted by Adria Marshall on

New Year, New You? Well........kinda. The topic of this post has been on my mind for a few weeks now and it's actually about embracing what we already know but might need that extra push to implement.

So....New Year, Brave You? That really might be more appropriate. Let's dig in!


A couple of recent scientific findings sparked this post. At first glance, both are completely different. Yet, taking a closer look at each will reveal some underlying similarities that might surprise you.

Our overuse of antibiotics and hand sanitizers are making bacteria stronger, resulting in superbugs.

In a nutshell, the concept of 'survival of the fittest' comes into play when it comes to bacteria and antibiotics. Bacteria have a natural aversion to dying, and antibiotics are designed to kill them. However, over time, bacteria can mutate and develop immunity against antibiotics. Researchers warn that if this pattern continues, minor illnesses that were once easily treatable could potentially become a threat, leading to the destruction of populations due to bacterial resistance.

The proposed solution:

  1. Maintain proper hygiene by washing your hands before cooking, eating, and after using the restroom. Remember, washing hands doesn't kill bacteria, but it washes them away, reducing the risk of infection.
  2. Boost your immune system by incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. These nutrient-rich foods provide essential vitamins and antioxidants that support a strong immune system.
  3. Prioritize sufficient sleep to strengthen your immune system. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule and ensure you're getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. A well-rested body is better equipped to fight off infections.
  4. Engage in open communication with your doctor when prescribed antibiotics. Discuss with your doctor whether the prescribed antibiotic and dosage are truly necessary for your condition. Taking antibiotics judiciously helps prevent the development of antibiotic resistance.

There might be a link between permanent hair colorants and chemical straighteners to breast cancer in women, especially women of color.

This particular study resonates strongly, not just because I color my gray hairs, but also due to its significant findings. Over the years, numerous studies have explored similar topics, yielding negative or inconclusive results. However, this latest study provides valuable insights, although it doesn't establish a definitive cause-and-effect relationship. It does, however, establish a previously unclear connection. Interestingly, the study distinguishes between semi-permanent and permanent dyes, indicating that there may be no risk associated with semi-permanent dyes. This finding suggests that embracing a subtle change can be beneficial, while permanent alterations might pose potential risks.

The proposed solution:

  1. Opt for no dyes or chemical straighteners
  2. If you must color or straighten your hair, choose temporary means.

How these two studies tie together


So, again, these two studies might appear to be completely unrelated. But, when you start to peel back the onion, you might begin to notice these similarities:

In both scenarios, the optimal decision tends to be the more inconvenient one. Opting for convenience often leads us to reach for a box of hair dye rather than embracing the natural grey strands appearing around our temples (speaking from personal experience). Similarly, it's easier to visit a drive-thru, grab a soda, and stay up for 'just one more hour' rather than practicing the discipline required by alternative choices.

Of course, there are times where that all-nighter, can of Coke and trip to the stylist are absolutely necessary. I don't believe that the answer is black and white, but I DO believe that mindfulness is key. 

Another similarity that I noticed is that, for the most part, the better decision is the cheaper one from a financial standpoint. Veggies can be grown pretty inexpensively, water is free for most of us, it's cheaper to not visit the stylist than to do otherwise, etc. There just might be something to the notion that "The best things in life are free" after all. 


You know what I find the most interesting about all of this? It's nothing new really. We already knew that we needed to wash our hands, get some sleep and eat better. We're quick to advise our kids to holistically love themselves yet we continue to book the appointment for our touch-ups. We really do know better. Maybe 2020 is the year for us all to just do more of what we've known all along. See New Year, Brave You!

Now, let's go make it fabulous!

All in love,


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  • Great discussion! The ‘inconvenient’ choices – once we make them, turn out to be so much easier than we thought! And, with ecoslay taking great care my locks, who’s afraid of a little gray?! 🙌🏻

    Cindi Moore on
  • Thanks for the enlightening information. Much appreciated. Love to you and family!

    Gladys McGowan on
  • I’m terrible at growing things, so eating well is expensive for me, but it makes a huge difference in your body! So worth it.

    Leslie on
  • Good discussion. Thanks. Have a great New Year!!

    Vernalisa Bruce on
  • I earned these greys! I will flaunt them! LOL :-)

    PinkVOL on
  • I made the decision to stop coloring three years ago. I love my silver and white hair and get compliments on it all the time. Best decision ever!

    DJ on

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